Tish Note - April 2024

April 2024

Dear Friends,

I have been sticking closer to home and have been involved in softer gigs like speaking engagements. And there’s other things that come with (ahem..) maturing – such as doctor visits, surgeries, wellness check-ups, standing in line at the pharmacy. Thankfully, everything is fine, however, staying fine aka maintenance, eats up time on a weekly basis. I suppose those of you in my age range can relate to this situation. Hey, I’m not complaining, just noting where the time flies!

As for my creative side – I have been writing a lot – both songs and stories. I don’t have a lot of concerts booked this spring and summer as I plan to be in the studio trying to get a new record out this year. I’m also hoping to release a memoir of sorts made up of short stories of my life. I’m aiming on next year on that one. 

I have a cool gig coming up on May 5th. My trio Marvin Dykhuis, Chip Dolan and I will be playing at The Palace Theater as part of Michael Hearne’s Big Barn Dance in Bryan Texas. I hope y’all can make it out to enjoy the dance and concerts going on that weekend. I also have some gigs lining up for this upcoming fall and next year. I’ll be in the northeast in mid to late October with Michael and Pete Ronstadt. They are both fine songwriters and instrumentalists. I’m really looking forward to that!  I’ll be in Oregon in early October and in California spring of 2025. We’ll get those dates posted soon.

Tish @ Big Barn Dance Songwriter Series - May 5 - Bryan, TX

Last week I had a wonderful adventure with my sisters Sylvia and Diana. We took a trip to Monterrey, Mexico in order to treat Sylvia to a concert of Raphael, a fabulous Spanish artist. She and I have been fans since she was a teenager and I was her tag along kid sister. Her love of Spanish music and American pop radio significantly influenced my interest in music. I shared a room with her when we were young and she always had either the radio or record player going. It’s always special and fun visiting our friends in Monterrey, but watching my sister enjoy the concert was priceless! Raphael is eighty-one now, but he still has the performance magic of decades ago. We also enjoyed some great local flavor and music too!

Video - Raphael in Monterrey

Video - Tish and family in Monterrey

Well, just want to say a quick "hi" and I hope you will have a beautiful spring and summer wherever you are. I hope to see you somewhere in the fall. I’ll keep you posted on record release and shows. 

