Tish Note - March 2025

March 2025

Happy Springtime Everyone!
I hope this note finds you happy and healthy.

I’m sending out this note to let y’all know about a cool tour coming up in the fall. September 5 – 15, 2025, I will be on a tour in Switzerland with my friends “Grouchy Like Riley” (grouchylikeriley.com), the Austin, Texas trio of Marvin Dykhuis, Chip Dolan, and Danny Britt. It is a tour in which musicians, fans, and friends will all travel in a bus together. It will include beautiful stops along with performances in different towns along the way. Of thirty-two seats available for fans and friends there are four to six seats left unfilled. I’m sure it will be a fun and memorable trip! I hope some of you can join us!
The promoter is Martin Meier, a long-time friend and fan of Austin Musicians. I’ve attached information and details about the tour in this notice. Martin’s email is martinatxmeier@bluewin.ch. if you have any additional questions.

Switzerland Tour With Grouchy Like Riley INFO (CLICK HERE)

Apart from this invitation, I’m looking forward to spending this springtime in Texas where I have several shows coming up and a few gigs in the Bay Area in May. And… more good news – my Warner Bros. albums “Destiny’s Gate” and “Dreaming From The Labyrinth” are now available to purchase from my website!! After being out of print for some time, we got permission from the record label to print up our own copies. If these CDs have been missing from your collection, now is a good time to buy or download them from mundotish.com to complete your set!
Anyway, thanks for your continued support. I look forward to seeing y’all at one of my upcoming shows. Or, maybe in Switzerland!!
Gracias Y Abrazos,

Switzerland Tour With Grouchy Like Riley INFO (CLICK HERE)

Tour Dates

Web Store

Tish Note - January 2025

New Year’s Day 2025
We are looking forward to 2025 to continue to tour and share our new music. We have some shows coming up in Colorado and New Mexico starting on January 9, 2025. We’re excited to visit old haunts, seeing old friends, and making new ones! Please check out our January show dates in Taos, Denver, Longmont, and Alamosa. Details are at my website mundotish.com. Tell your friends, and we hope to see you at one of these concerts.
As 2025 is beginning, I want to thank everyone for their support and well wishes all 2024 long and all my career long. My fans, fan-friends, friends, my musicians, and my family have always meant very much to me. With many of you, I have been there through your good times and bad, and you have literally helped me through some hard times I’ve experienced, as well as congratulating me through my joyous moments. I cherish these relationships and I hope we can continue being family and friends for a long time to come.
2024 was a year of much excitement and creativity; releasing a new record(!), many concerts, visiting old friends, traveling to beautiful places. But, as we all experience at times, there has been loss and sadness. I lost a nephew to cancer earlier this year, and I lost my best friend since high school to complications from a long illness. Sadness stays with us as we go through months and years of remembering, but we also smile at the best times spent with loved ones. I suppose this is the message I hope to share. Life is precious, moments spent with those we love need to be cherished with kindness, hugs and laughter.
I’m sixty-nine years mature now. I’m glad for the many people who I have come across in my life who helped me see and learn about love, giving, and compassion. I hope to go on writing and performing, appreciating old friends and making new ones. My shows have and will continue to be places where I share love, culture, thoughts, and laughter through my music.
2024 was a year of stress and concern in our country and for the sadness of war in other lands. Let’s try to make a better world in 2025. I am always a believer of hope and love. Never hate.
Sincerely, with abrazos and best wishes to you all in the new year.

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