Hello my mundotish Amigos,
Wow, I didn’t realize that I had not written since December. Thanks to all who left comments and likes. I appreciate that. At the moment, I am sitting in a very humid central Texas. A couple of years ago it was drought and really hot, then recently we got so much rain.
Here’s what’s been up with me: I recently completed a three-week solo tour of the mid-Atlantic, from South Carolina to Pennsylvania. I really enjoyed all of it, including some personal time in Washington DC and at the beautiful North Carolina coast. I apologize that I did not write my note before the tour to let the east coasters know. The time leading up to a tour is so time-consuming and busy that note writing flew out the window. All in all and luckily, many nice folks showed up to my shows and I truly enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing long-time friends.
I have been attending Folk Alliance conferences the past few years again – the national FA, held in Kansas City, is great, and the regional ones are too. I attended SERFA (South East Regional Folk Alliance) for the first time in May in Montreat, North Carolina. These conferences allow singer-songwriters, venues, and associated acoustic music businesses to connect through showcases and workshops. It is a very fun, enlightening, and inspiring time. It is heart-warming to meet and listen to young and blossoming artists, as well as them learning from the wisdom and experience of us, um, more experienced artists. Through attending this conference, I hope to have established contacts for being able to play more concerts in the southeast/mid-Atlantic U.S. in the future.
As for projects and recordings – I’m working on two super interesting ones. I can’t say too much right now, but I promise I will let you in on my newest works in an upcoming note. This summer I will be mostly around Texas, recording and touring, because there’s some wonderful family stuff happening this summer. It is nice to stay close to home for a while.
In late August and early September I will be on a rather unusual but wonderful mini-tour of Portugal, France, and Spain. I’ll be singing with a choir from Denver at some beautiful locations in these countries. I loved singing in choir in high school. It will be so nice to join up with angelic voices again. Also, a couple of my sisters will be along, and these choir people are nuts! It is bound to be a memorable experience.
Coming up also, I have a tour of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico in October, and I will be in New England in November. Check mundotish.com for places and dates.
Well – that’s all the news for now. Thanks for reading this note. Comments are very welcome, and, don’t forget to visit my website store to purchase CDs which you can request to be autographed. Have a fun and safe summer!
Abrazos, Tish
Upcoming Shows:
Saturday July 9th - The Bugle Boy - La Grange, TX w/ Marvin Dykhuis